Thursday 15 August 2019

A Budget Flight Item

Well, that's it, I am all packed and ready for my journey and as Mr D remarked, this  holiday seems to have been more of an iliad than an odessey!
But just before my coach comes to pick me up I had to quickly nip to the nearest supermarket ........I very much enjoy a Twix Xtra with my in flight coffee to and from my holiday destination, however,  if I am honest I also very much begrudge paying around £2.50 for said Twix which only costs me 85p at the very most when I am on the ground ..........

........ and as such I always make a very considered purchase before I take to the air, this ecomomy also means I  already have at least £1.65 saved to put towards next years odyssey/iliad ...... I am not as daft as I am cabbage looking!


Mr.D said...

A very wise move. I could go for a Twix Xtra, right now. Mind you, a Twix Xtra has a letter missing. Should it be called a Twix Deficient?

Mr.D said...

What an amazing holiday. From 8th July to 15th August! You must have become very friendly with the the local restaurateurs and bar owners.