Wednesday 28 October 2020

Window Vigilante

Poor Nigel, what part of a large metal cage, a huge padlock and chains plus an unmissable sign that says “This Footpath Is Closed”  in capital letters are people not seeing?


But, according to the little fella, you just wouldn’t believe the number of people who wiggle their way through, only to then beat a very hasty retreat.


……. and it’s driving him mad …….


…….. it’s dangerous down there ………


……. he also reckons that if he had a pound for every time he’s seen it happen, he’d be able to buy us all humungous Christmas presents this year, the biggest turkey Darrell has ever seen ….. plus a really posh Harrods Christmas pudding!  What is he like?


Mr.D said...

Nigel is a role model for us all. A fine, upright citizen.

I hope he doesn't try to take it further, and think about using a megaphone to warn people of their silly, futile, and illegal behaviour.

Anonymous said...

....get that monkey a megaphone for Christmas....don't let Mr D be a kill joy! JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

Fair enough, JtF. :)