Monday 2 November 2020

A Wonderful Halloween, Despite “Other” Things …………

Our Annual Halloween Sleepover was emotional and very wonderful and, for this post at least, we won’t mention a certain announcement that just happened to be made half way through proceedings!


Darrell’s Halloween spreadsheet of activities was a triumph, especially the Penny Push Machine in the Amusements Corner, echoing happy days spent by Iris and Bertie in Minehead and Teignmouth …….


…… and the Cocktail Bar and Pick n Mix, Help Yourself Station……


……. which perhaps diverted some attention away from my pumpkin carving, but to be honest I wasn’t at all surprised by the little ones reluctance to get stuck in, after removing the first couple of spoonfuls  of it’s slimy, stringy and seedy innards, bless them.


Our only regret was the sorry lack of photos, something we are usually so good at, but, we were all too busy having too much fun to keep whipping out the camera every couple of minutes ………


…… but, as we always say when we are occassionally remiss in this sort of way ……… “the memories were still made” ……….


…….. and all the pictures we will ever need are well and truly indelibly set in our minds, as well as, we hope,  Iris and Bertie’s …….


……. with Nigel’s unforgettable midnight walk already being begged for as part of our/their New Years sleepover.


Most of The Towers is now back to normal, although I think we could be finding the odd penny or creepy crawly (from the creepy crawly treasure hunt) for months to come under the settee or tucked down the sides of chairs etc.


It’s just the bathroom that we haven’t, as yet, had the get up and go to tackle ……


…… perhaps the bright orange Halloween bath bomb and two full cans of raspberry flavour bath foam was a little excessive! What are we like? Happy happy days and goodness me, we need to hang on to as many of those as we can at the moment.


Anonymous said...

Oh this has made me all sentimental, your photos have a gone a tad blurry. Think I have something in my eye. Happy, absolutely happy days and even happier Halloween nights. JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

Another wonderful event. Well done, one and all!