Wednesday 18 November 2020

Word Salad …….

I have a prediction to make ……….


…….. I have the distinct feeling that the new “must use buzz word” during any radio or television interview is about to become “behemoth”.


It’s a word you just don’t hear every day, except, I heard it twice this morning, within an hour, in two completely unconnected interviews on two different programmes on Radio 4. 


The first one made me sit up and take note as it’s quite a word ……


……  and then to hear it again a little later ……. I shall begin to keep a tally to back up my theory!


Mr.D said...

A fine word, coming from the Hebrew for beast. The word is found in the bible, too, where it means "a beast." Another fine word, rarely used, is pantechnicon, but I don't know its etymology.

I know, in the word of Donald Trump, that this is cheating, "bigly," but, here are some for your tally:

Behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth and behemoth.

Behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth and behemoth.

Behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth and behemoth.

Behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth, behemoth and behemoth.

Anonymous said...

Oh I say - I listen to Radio 4 a ears are well peeled back now on a behemoth hunt, so to hear. JantheFan x
p.s. The Archers is very sad of late........tears have flowed I'm not ashamed to admit.