I have only got one night and two half days in Liverpool and I am quickly realising that that just isn’t enough time to embrace all its pleasures!!! Rather than do things by half measures, I have promised myself that sometime in the coming year, despite our already burgeoning engagement book, I will try and bring Darrell and Nigel so that we can all share the full Liverpool experience ……..

I really, really, really wanted to “do” the Ferry Cross The Mersey, just the booking office/terminal was exciting enough, but with my tight schedule it was complicated, so in the end I just did the Mersey Tunnel, which was romantic …….

…….. but not half as romantic as perhaps the opportunity of recreating the full Titanic front of boat scene with Darrell and Nigel, but on said Ferry!

The ferry is just one pleasure saved for another day, plus a full bus tour, a visit to The Cavern, Penny Lane, the cathedrals and
some of the many museums for a bit of culture!

For the time being I satisfied myse0
lf with a bracing stroll along the River Mersey …..

……. taking in some of the famous lambananas.
…… followed by the Albert Docks…..

…… with all it’s majestic boats and old warehouse buildings ……

…… and then catching the last lingering glimpse of the Christmas lights …….

….. all be it in the rain ........
…… before heading back to my hotel for supper ……
Some wonderful sights.
Saturday 8th January and they still have their Christmas tree up? They will have to leave it up all year. (Unless some trickery has gone on.)
So very much to explore and so little time!....the Mersey certainly has it's fame and the ferry crossing would truly be romantic ......a city worthy of your time....savor and enjoy.....Dianne
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