Thursday 7 June 2018

Just Bonding

Spending time on my own with Young Master Bertie, away from home is just ………..WONDERFUL.
My favourite time is when we’re all fresh and clean from a bath (in the washing up bowl), have put our jim jams on ……..
IMG_7792 ……… and are tucked up under a duvet on the sofa, sharing a bag of crisps and watching Peppa Pig.
To be honest……..
……………. it just doesn’t get any better than that!  Happy, happy days.


Mr.D said...

How wonderful - for Monkey, Bertie and Mum.

CraftyCoffey said...

Sounds like heaven. I hope you’re both drinking plenty & using sunscreen if you have as much sunshine as we do here in Southport.


Mr.D said...

Just bonding. Ionic, covalent, metallic, London forces, dipole-dipole interactions or hydrogen bonds?

So says Mr. D the chemistry teacher.

Just ask Tom the Scientist,