Friday 27 March 2020

Living In Lockdown - Day 4 - Clap For Our Carers - Thanking The NHS

Last night we took part in the "Clap For Our Carers"campaign where people all across the country applauded all our NHS workers from their doorsteps, balconies or windows of their homes, in order to say thank you for all of their incredible work, bravery and endeavor trying to save 100's and 1,000's of lives. 
We weren't sure if we would be heard or would hear anything as we are right at the bottom of an estate, that leads to nowhere except the river, but as 8 o'clock sounded the air was filled with waves of claps and cheers coming from Robins Corner and way out in the distance.
We all found it extremely emotional and moving and a little eerie, it feels as if like we are in a dream and if we just rub our eyes we'll wake up  (if only)  ........ but this is real, very, very real and frightening ......... especially knowing that the world and life that we knew just three or four weeks ago is being changed forever and will never be the same again.


Mr.D said...

A wonderful gesture, that is being repeated round the world. Not in Mexico, as far as I am aware.

Mr.D said...

P.S. I see the lockdown day numbering has been corrected. It makes my comment from yesterday look a little silly. :)

CraftyCoffey said...

Thank you very much for your support to all NHS staff. I’ve taken 2 much needed days off then I’ll be straight back into “work mode “ on Monday as the world of Hospital Pharmacy is always open.


Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful moment to connect and give thanks in this difficult world. I hope it is done again. x