Wednesday 4 March 2020

The Car Of Nigel's Dreams

Nigel, obviously, doesn't drive, if he (we) did, then the whole school/nursery run would be a completely different kettle of fish to get organised ........
 ......... but I digress, because yesterday Nigel saw, what he says, is the car of his ultimate dream, just up the road from us.
It's put him in an absolute state of flux as he now wants to know how to apply for his provisional licence and find a reputable instructor used to teaching small, excitable monkeys to drive ......
What on earth is he like .............
......... heaven help us!


Mr.D said...

Poor instructor! Nigel wouldn't need blocks on the pedals, he would need stilts.

Anonymous said...

What a cool car!!! Wonder if Mr Lego man drives it? JantheFan x