Thursday 16 July 2020

Living La Vida’lerta – Darrell And Hugh To Be Finally Reunited.

Darrell has been speaking to Hugh, his best friend and mentor of all things de rigueur and a la mode throughout meltdown, sometimes several times a day, via text, phone and skype, but it just wasn’t the same as actually being able to gossip together in real life  ………

Lynx Africa Marmite (5)

But now, with meltdown rules changing, they think that Darrell can finally go and spend some quality time with Hugh at Le Chicken Coop, because, if we’ve understood it properly, two households of any size can meet up indoors, including overnight stays, providing social distancing is adhered to and using shared facilities is best avoided. Simples, Hugh announced, as he has more than enough facilities for the twain never to meet!  What is he like?


Hugh has been in glorious self isolation in Worcester since even before meltdown began, relying on a full and varied Harold’s Hamper to be delivered once a week from London and Mellors, his man what does, leaving anything else he needed outside by the gate, so we doubt very much that Hugh has been infiltrated by any virus.


And, as a precaution, Darrell went into self isolation in his room for the past few days, meals have been left outside his door on a tray, his laundry collected and returned within a few hours and he has been given sole use of the main bathroom, so that he can be sure that when he sees Hugh he too will be completely untainted.


It has also given him plenty of time to pack, unpack, pack and unpack goodness knows how many times!  It’s lovely to see Darrell soooooooo happy again …….. hopefully things can only get better from now on ……..


Mr.D said...

Wonderful news! I wonder if fashion has continued during the lockdown.

Darrell "has been given sole use of the main bathroom." Sooooo, where have the rest of you been going to the toilet and doing your ablutions? I know you are close to the river but, that is just going far too far.

Anonymous said...

Exciting times ahead boyz! JantheFan x