Thursday 30 July 2020

Mysterious Developments A La Chicken Coop

Hugh had said it was a wonder Mellors hadn’t woken Darrell up with all his rigorous banging, especially as he’d been hard at it since seven o’clock that morning ……


……. but, could Darrell guess what Mellors was up to?


Darrell answered that it might be some decking to extend Hugh’s patio area, but was wrong ……. Hugh, almost fit to burst, asked him to try again …….


…… but try as he might Darrell just couldn’t get it right, it wasn’t a new sunbathing area for Hugh’s beloved Bassets, nor was it a small amphitheatre for Hugh to stage private productions for his guests, neither was it a Tiki Bar, although, Hugh did hint there could possibly be a tiny element of Darrell’s guess in the finished project.


In the end Hugh declared that although it was killing him not to say, as Darrell hadn’t guessed correctly he would now make him wait until Mellors had done a bit more before the big reveal …….


……. and in the meantime did Darrell want to see the latest tool Hugh had bought Mellors at the start of meltdown, something he knew Nigel would go absolutely nuts about ……


…….. and …… just in case Darrell was wondering, it had nothing to do with Mellors current task in hand ……. what a tease!


Mr.D said...

How intriguing. I think Nigel would end up inside the cement mixer, if Monkey didn't keep a close eye on him.

Anonymous said...

It's all going on life is soooo lame in comparison. JantheFan x