Tuesday 9 June 2015

Beam Envy

Hugh’s country pile, Chateau de Chic-Kin Coup has beams ……
IMG_0644……. just how truly historically romantic is that?
IMG_0645I have to say, we do have “beams” at Castle Greysquirrel, but I really don’t think they are of any historic or vaguely romantic type nature.
IMG_0646After living amidst, neigh … under “the real thing” for the past week or so, it’s a bit embarrassing for someone with Darrell’s sensibilities and upward aspirations to come to terms with the fact that we have “faux beams”…..
……… and I can see his brain ticking over ……..
IMG_0647 ……. however, if he suggests any erm “renovations” to our ceilings I will firmly stand my ground!!!!!!


Mr.D said...

Nigel's smile is a huge beam.

Anonymous said...

So right, Mr. D....and Nigel's beaming smile is the real thing!.......genuine beams are so historical and very romantic architecture....perhaps Darrell can be persuaded to focus on something more practical but equally attractive.......Dianne