Wednesday 10 July 2019

A Bit of Victoria Hislop .......

For me, no Greek holiday would be a proper Greek holiday without a bit of Victoria Hislop ......... last year I read The Island which was so wonderful I didn't want to come to the end ........... and have been desperatly trying to find the Greek televisual dramatization with English subtitles, but sadly to no avail. 
This year I have Cartes Postales from Greece .......
......... I am afraid can't put it down.  I know I should make it last, but I will probably finish it by the end of tomorrow, however, there is a bookcase back at my hotel full of books left by other guests where I am sure I can find something else to take my fancy, if I do.

Of course  I am missing Darrell and Nigel terribly, but it's also such a huge luxury to be enveloped in my own little world for just a while without having someone begging me to help blow up their mahooooosive flamingo shaped rubber ring up and constantly musing as what Greek delicacy they fancy for their tea, bless them!  But, as it's now in my mind, ".....tonight Mathew, I think I am fancying a plate of Greek lamb chops, with perhaps an extra large piece Galaktoboureko and ice cream for my pudding!"  What am I like? ............    Happy Days!


Mr.D said...

Enjoy the book. You wrote that you can't put it down. I hope you can put it down when you go for a swim or have a shower.

Anonymous said...

It certainly is Happy Days - a solo week in Crete.....heaven. JantheFan x