Wednesday 31 July 2019

Yesterday I spotted something in one of the more boutique type shops in Georgioupolis that made me smile and immediately think of Darrell and Hugh. 
At first I thought they were just a revival of the old style fifties swimming hats, of which I am sure Hugh would not be at all adverse to wearing when taking the plunge to protect his hair, however on closer inspection they were in fact zipped "purses". 
I can tell you now, if he had have seen them he would have let out one of his theatrical "Darrrrrrrrrlings", grab one and then parade up and down declaring he'd found his new "man bag".  
However, I am not encouraging Darrell and on this occasion did not make a considered holiday gift purchase. I don't think Evesham is quite ready for this type of fashion accessory, if I take home any presents they will have to be of a much more traditional type Greek nature.


Mr.D said...

From your description, I can just imagine Hugh walking up and down with one.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Monkey, they do look like the kind of swimming hats my grandmother used to wear...quite on trend now I believe, I've never seen them as purses though! JantheFan x