Tuesday 7 April 2020

Living In Lockdown - Day 15 - Nigel Finds .......

It never ceases to amaze me the things that young Nigel happens upon while on his travels ........
...... and yesterday while on his allotted one hour of meltdown exercise was no exception when  he happened upon a walking stick on our estate.  Naturally, a little concerned, he stayed around for a while to see if someone, looking a little preoccupied, might come past, perhaps even hobbling a bit, in search of said stick ..... 
....... however no one answering that description happened by, so Nigel just stood it up against a wall (and then scrupulously scrubbing his hands for 12 seconds on his return to The Towers) noting that the handle looked rather reminiscent of a small horse saddle ....... 
........ and though tempted to try it out for size (and comfort) thought better of it in these viral times, especially as it might also have looked a little unseemly to anyone passing by (whilst also practicing 2 metre of self distancing). What is he like?

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

Nigel certainly does find things.

I think he would make an excellent Borrower.