Tuesday 14 April 2020

Memories of Those Halcyon Days Before Lockdown - Day 23 - A La Mode Octupi?

Please note - this post was put together before we went into meltdown

If we were not in meltdown over Easter, it's a pretty sure bet that we'd be out and about mooching around the odd garden or antiques centre, or, enjoying the pleasures of a nearby carboot sale ..........

So going with the garden centre theme, a little while ago Nigel came home in quite a state of flux as he desperately needed to ask Darrell some very pressing questions as regards to some interior design pieces that he'd seen while out and about with Lucy.
...... to wit a huge display of what he thought Darrell and Hugh would undoubtedly twitter and gush over for ages, describing its contents as ........ "true statement piece of an a la mode interior design type nature, that would bring a unique focus and poignancy to any room" .......... but what Nigel, if he was being honest, would be tempted to describe as complete and utter tut!
Who, he wanted to know, would really want a mahooosive octopus with a bottle which appeared to be lodged somewhere extremely delicate, sitting on their dining room table, silver plated or not and described in the bumpf as "a showpiece that lifts the spirits" !!!!!
Or, a myriad of testicles tentacles looming ominously round a giant hurricane lamp. In his untutored opinion they were all the stuff of nightmares, in particular his ........ and of which he wouldn't thank you for!  Fortunately, on this occasion Darrell agreed, saying that although there was a current influence for all things of an octupi persuasion, it wasn't one that held either Hugh or himself in any sort of thrall, despite being ridiculously de rigueur and tres en trend in many quarters.
The only thing that Nigel "quite" fancied was what looked like an exotic palm tree themed baptismal bowl that he could possibly see being used as rather ostentatious bird bath or fruit bowl, but which turned out, when he investigated a little further to be an extremely expensive champagne bath costing a mere £495.95!  There is no accounting for taste, sometimes I am glad I don't have any!


Mr.D said...

A bottle up there would bring tears to one's eyes.

Pamela said...

If Nigel tunes into QVC he'll see many octopus items all equally unattractive but selling out every time despite the huge price tags!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - I'll pass on both of those thank you kindly. JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

Hi Pamela!

Welcome back! We have missed you!!