Friday 17 April 2020

Living In Lockdown - Day 26 - Someone's Parking In Our Bay!

No one can ever say that our meltdown has been anything but boring and this morning was no exception as Darrell pulled up the blind to see how the day was shaping up  .........
........ only to find that we had a real live police car sat sitting in our own personal parking bay .......
........ which according to our lovely neighbour Kata ............
.......... had been there all night from just before midnight!
Nigel was almost beside himself with excitement, imagining himself in the driving seat, switching on  the nee nahs!
Now ....... obviously we are more than happy, neigh honoured, to assist our constabulary in any way we can, but in the time it took us to get put our shoes on to go outside to get a closer look and perhaps ask a couple of pertinent questions it was gone! Poor Nigel was crestfallen, leaving us, as of yet, without any explanation as to why it had been left there in, to all intents and purposes, our custody.  It is the stuff of legends, set to become a true enigma of our time in meltdown, and something that we will, no doubt, debate and wonder about for many years to come!


Mr.D said...

It will go down in history as the great police car mystery of 2020.

Anonymous said...

Oh I think you have every right to phone up and ask why a police car was in your parking by all night......tell them you need to know - as you have a HUMONGOUS blog following who will never sleep soundly in their beds unless this information is given out forthwith and all that, they need to know NOW. JantheFan x