Friday 24 April 2020

Living In Lockdown –Day 33 - A Flurry Of Meltdown Activity

It’s weird how the oddest of things can help break the monotony of being in meltdown and bring an unexpected flurry of activity and frisson of excitement to The Towers.
Take for example yesterday, I just don’t know how it happened, but somehow I managed to drop our one and only proper houseplant (apart from Nigel’s cactuses) while I was attempting to dead head it. It just seemed to slip from my hands.
Well, after the initial calamitous crash you could have heard a pin drop …… and then The Towers “Mean Dream Team of Clean” sprang into action to get it all sorted out, but not before Darrell performed a quick Health and Safety Inspection, followed by a Risk Assessment to heighten the tension.
smashed pot
It  all seemed so exciting, but incredibly sad at the same time, but in these unprecedented meltdown times you’ve just got to take your thrills and, pardon the pun, spills, wherever you can.
Everything was soon swept away and back, so we thought to its hum drum normal ……
…….. until, that is, later in the afternoon when Nigel spied a rogue piece of ceramic pot that had somehow managed to evade our keen tidy up skills after being flung across the room, as far as the sofa.
Needless to say Nigel was duly awarded the “Finder of Far Flung Fragment Award” and then given the honour of putting it in the receptacle for such things, to wit the bin under the cupboard sink, to much cheering and clapping from Darrell and myself.
We feel we need to apologise for really scrapping the barrel as far as our daily meltdown posts are concerned, but as I said before, in such times, …….. needs must!!  What are we like?

Yes, Mr D, the plant survived, minus a couple of leaves or two!


Mr.D said...

Well done, Nigel!

The big question is, did the plant survive? Or will we have to wait and see?

CraftyCoffey said...

Interesting text but unfortunately I can’t see the pictures your posting now-I just get a white space with an image number on it. I’ll have to use my imagination-which is fairly limited!


Anonymous said...

Pleased plant is safe. Looking for a new plant pot when you are able to peruse a charity shop....something to look forward to me things.JantheFan x