Thursday 19 August 2021

Mon Repose At The End Of Southport Pier

Time to take in a few last lingering breathes of bracing Southport sea air before Lu and I, laden with sticks of seaside rock,  head for home ……… it’s all been quite lovely.


Sadly, the sea at Southport goes out an awful long way, so to be honest we haven’t caught  as much as a single glimpse of a wave ………


…… let alone been able to roll up our trousers legs for a cheeky seaside paddle!

Southport Pier July 2021

However, we did walk the entire 1,000 metres to the very end of the pier because we could …….. and without the aid of one of the pier “Noddy” trains.


We took the time to wave heartily  and call across the sands to glamourous Blackpool and its resplendent tower, as I know Mums Monkey have quite a few “fans” who live in that general direction ……. it was emotional.

View from Southport Pier

Lu had bought her flask, so we found a bench to enjoy an early morning coffee and Hob Nob biscuit ……….


……. each lost in our own thoughts …….


……. of sea, sand, fresh air, arcades, fish and chips, ice cream, seagulls and a taste of FREEDOM without restrictions (and masks, if we chose) as we dunked.


Again, it was emotional ………


Mr.D said...

What a wonderful end to a wonderful trip.

The sea is a very long way away. Can Southport really claim to be a seaside town? A beachside town? Yes. A seaside town - yes, some of the time, at least.


SeasideKaren said...

Oh how wonderful that you waved! I’m feeling emotional myself now! On your picture of Blackpool Tower, if you look to the right there’s a little white strip…that’s the fancy new steps at Fairhaven Lake, just a mile from our little flat in St Anne’s!
I agree about the sea, it’s the same here…we’ve had our little grandson staying with us this week, and he was desperate to go for a paddle. It wasn’t to be, as the tide only comes up within walking distance every now and again. At least there’s no chance of flooding, and it’s extra special when we walk on the prom to find the tides in!