Sunday 9 February 2014

Nigel Gets To Watch The Spanish Play!

As you know Nigel had very much set his heart on being able to watch “The Spanish Play”, that has been widely advertised throughout school in recent weeks ……  Nigel having never seen a “real life” English play, let alone a comedic Spanish one.
017So, he decided that the only way to see the said play, legitimately, was to go and ask The Cook Lady up front ….. saying that he felt that an understanding of the Spanish language would help him when, on odd occasion, the ingredients printed on the back of some of the sauce sachets were in a foreign tongue, which he believed to be, on occasion, Spanish! 
011And much to his surprise and delight The Cook Lady said “Yes” to him, as long as he made up the time during the week …….. so Nigel indeed got his wish.
It was a golden opportunity and experience for Nigel that he was determined not to waste, soaking it all up like an dry sponge.
spainsh playAnd when he came out, Nigel was absolutely “full of it”  ….. declaring in almost faultless Spanish ……..
“OMG, OMG, OMG, a pesar de mi falta total de la lengua española, la obra era muy fácil de seguir y me encontré riendo con firmeza en todos los momentos pertinentes. Creo que era aún capaz de recoger algunas frases que podría utilizar si alguna vez vuelvo a visitar España o un país de habla española. No puedo agradecerles lo suficiente La Dama de Cook dejarme ir, todo era maravilloso y no me habría perdido por nada del mundo!”
Which I believe translates  roughly as ………
OMG, OMG, OMG,  despite my total lack of the Spanish language, the play was very easy to follow and I found myself laughing robustly at all the pertinent moments. I think I was even able  to pick up a few phrases that I could use if ever I visit Spain or a Spanish speaking country. I cannot thank enough The Cook Lady letting me go, it was all very wonderful and I wouldn't have missed it for the world!”
What is he like …… if not fluent??????


Mr.D said...

Perfect Spanish from Nigel (and the Spanish teacher?) Neither Mrs. D, who is Mexican, nor I could find any errors. ¡Muy buen hecho Nigel!

Di said...

We speak Spanish too mate!

'Dos de pollo con patatas fritas y dos cervezas por favor'

Love, Hank and Marvin xx

Anonymous said...

Nigel is branching out in all and languages....he must be a natural with languages!.....Great going, Nigel!......Dianne

Mr.D said...

Well done Hank, Marvin and Di!