Saturday 8 February 2014

Nigel Rescues A Bagpuss

Picture2Nigel is always bringing things home that he has “found” ……
Picture3…. and yesterday was no exception, because Nigel found a very wet and bedraggled Bagpuss abandoned under one of the benches near shops.
Picture4“I couldn’t just leave it him there, ” he said “he looked so sad and pathetic and when I squeezed him, he was so wet through, he dripped ……..!”So a Bagpuss was duly bought home ……
Picture5…… where Darrell suggested that the best course of action was to stick Bagpuss straight in the washer!
Picture6Naturally, this was a little traumatic for Nigel (and Bagpuss) but it had to be done ….
Picture7….. followed by a quick tumble in the dryer.
But all the aforementioned trauma was well worth it, because in the end Bagpuss emerged looking like a very different creature……
Picture11……. with Nigel being the hero of the day ……..
…… with a new friend to look after and play with!!!!  What is he like?


Anonymous said...

Having seen a few episodes of Bagpuss, it does seem like Nigel should have his own you think the next step is a little shop to collect lost items? Perhaps Tallulah could play the part of many possibilities with Nigel having his own Bagpuss!.....Dianne

Mr.D said...

I am pleased the saggy cloth cat didn't come even looser at the seams in the washing machine.
Good old Oliver Postgate.

marc said...

my fav now Nigel needs some mice to fix things and a wood pecker to give him sound advice or may be a banjo playing toad to serenade him on romantic dates big soppy old catpuss love marc