Nigel has been pestering none stop for weeks now for some Loom Bands, and finally we, well I really mean Darrell relented.
The every day stories of three every day monkeys ..... embarking on a whole series of new adventures after swapping the pleasures of Wolverhampton for a more peaceful, bijoux, riverside way of life in Evesham.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Nigel Gets Loom Bands!
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Share A Coke, Not Quite …. But Almost
But, that didn’t stop Nigel wondering if his name could be altered to be more en trend…. Nigyl perhaps? But then he worked out that he had enough trouble writing the “g” his name the right way around without the further complication of another squiggly letter with a loopy tail!
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Tesco Substitution Night
Tuesday night is Tesco delivery night ……. our weekly dose of excitement and tangible and palpable anticipation chez Castle Greysquirrel!
Monday, 28 July 2014
Hmmm, Not Such A Brilliant Plan
Darrell had been shopping after work and came home full of the joys of the barbeque season having purchased two “instant” barbecues at a “bargain” price …. “Get your bangers and chops out Monkey!” he yelled “ ….. for tonight we shall feast greatly!”
So while I rummaged in the fridge for said bangers and chops and a couple of other barbecuable delicacies, Darrell and Nigel went into the garden to set about lighting the aforementioned “instant” and “bargain” barbecues, their mouths watering, as a hearty barbecue is well up there on our Richter Scale of summer comestible noms.
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Darrell’s Confectionary Of The Week
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Ship Ahoy!
Friday, 25 July 2014
Sometimes, Life Chez Castle Greysquirrel Can Be A Little Mundane, ……. If Not Down Right Boring!
Friday is “Bin day” chez Castle Greysquirrel and it’s Darrell’s job to make sure that the right bin is been put out for right collection ……
So today, according to Darrell’s little book of council bin collection, it’s the blue recyclable materials one that is due to be emptied ……
And then next Friday, it will be the black household and green garden refuse that he will have to wheel out …… making sure that the lids are flat down and bins not overfilled …… or they won’t be takenThursday, 24 July 2014
A Sad, Sad, Sad, Sad Day ……..
Today was a very, very emotional day for us all, it was the last day of the school year …… and we tried so hard to hold it together, but we failed miserably …….. and any photograph of the days events would have been a tasteless intrusion of our grief ……………….
…… We have such sad, sad news to impart …. our beloved, beloved, beloved PE Lady has forsaken being a PE Lady to become a Physiotherapist's Reception Lady instead …… and has left us …… left us ….. like three brides at the alter!! We really can’t talk about it at the moment, such was our unprecedented distress …………… we were put in a taxi and sent home …….. and we haven’t moved from the kitchen table since. …….What is to become of us and what will we do without our PE Lady and the PE Lady’s Mum???
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
What’s In A Name?
To be honest Darrell Monkeey isn’t really a name to conjure with ……
….. on the other hand Anthony R Peach sounds sooooooo much more romantic of a Mills and Boon type nature ……

….. Anthony R Peach would be robustly dashing, with a quiff and a manly jawline, tight breeches and strong dependable arms in which to melt (if you were a lady, obviously!).
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
I Can’t Believe I Just Did That
Monday, 21 July 2014
Nigel’s Dreaming Now …….!!!
It’s certainly been a weird few days chez Castle Greysquirrel for dreams ….. what with Darrell’s nightmare of a few days ago …. and the girls at school putting on “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” for the end of term…
……… however, last night was appeared to be Nigel’s turn, and to be perfectly frank and honest with you, his “dream” was so weird and far fetched that to both Darrell and I discounted it immediately, putting it down to Nigel’s excessive cheese and Vimto consumption before bed.
Nigel told us, with eyes like saucers, that sometime between 2.00 and 3.00am he was woken by what he thought was the very loud mooing of cows (or some such other large creature) He said that he lay in bed for ages thinking “Nooooooooooooo, it can’t be!”, until, in the end he felt compelled to get out of bed and look out of the window ….. to see an absence of cows (or some other such large creatures ) ….. only a stationary mini with its back lights flashing ….. which then drove off quite quickly. Nigel said that he then got back into bed, but could still hearing said loud mooings for a little while longer …… and then still mystified he returned to his slumbers.
When Nigel woke next morning, his “dream” had all but faded from his mind …. until he drew back the curtains ….. and saw what he thought looked like squished poo on the road and poo splatterings on the pavement!!!!
Now, we have never really thought ours was the sort of village that anyone would feel the need to herd cows through, especially in the middle of the night, which turned our rather vivid imaginations to wildly robust and fanciful ideas of cattle rustlers using a mini to herd said animals up our road and past the Castle ……….
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Utterly and Totally BESOTTED!
Our Baby Iris is the most beautiful little creature we have ever set eyes on ….
We just can’t stop gazing at her and sighing and billing and cooooooing …..
…… even her little burps, big poos, wee’s and dribbles …….

…… are tooooooooooooooooooo wonderful for words …
…… are tooooooooooooooooooo wonderful for words …
Saturday, 19 July 2014
A New Type Of De Riguer
Darrell says ……
……… is a whole new minefield of de rigueur, pink not having really been in his mindscape of colour, until now …… however Hugh, his best friend and mentor who lives the showbiz life in Notting Hill on the other hand has never shrunk from or been a stranger to the delights and intricacies of wearing pink in all it’s many shades and hues …. with flair and panache …….
Friday, 18 July 2014
It’s An Office Birthday!!
We decided to buy her two boxes of capybara cappuccino drinks, because when she comes back from working in Reception, the first thing she says is that she is “parched” and then, goes off to make herself a drink, and we had noticed that she very much enjoys a coffee sachet of various assortment.
And with Office Birthday’s …… comes cake, and Sandra bought in a very exciting and tempting range with which to celebrate hers ….. choosing what to have was, to be honest was for Nigel and I a very robustly challenging affair …….
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