Saturday 19 July 2014

A New Type Of De Riguer

Darrell says ……
baby 1…… that shopping for a baby girl, to wit our Baby Iris ……..
dress 2……… is a whole new minefield of de rigueur, pink not having really been in his mindscape of colour, until now  …… however Hugh, his best friend and mentor who lives the showbiz life in Notting Hill on the other hand has never shrunk from or been a stranger to the delights and intricacies of wearing pink in all it’s many shades and hues …. with flair and panache …….
Primark baby shoes 3……. and so will be guiding Darrell through this terrifying aforementioned minefield …….


Mr.D said...

I'm sure Iris will look great in whatever you choose.

Anonymous said...

Like Mr D says, baby Iris will look a little beauty in anything she wears. Considering from what I understand her name means,rainbow, so I don't think Darrell needs necessarily to stick to pink! JantheFan x

Anonymous said...

soooo many beautiful little girl's clothing in the stores......echoing Mr D and Jan, dear baby Iris will look wonderful in any of those gorgeous needn't be intimidated by colour, just think of a garden full of flowers every colour of the rainbow!.....Dianne

marc said...

just be bold darlings its a princess she can wear any thing and look like she has just come off the cat walk big show biz wave and baby cat walk kiss Hugh