Yesterday, we just about managed to drag Hugh away from Baby Iris to avail ourselves in a little “us” time, taking him to a nearby retail/garden centre. We’d been there before, but thought that they had some very interesting stuff that might appeal to Hugh’s sense of grandeur, where his garden in Notting Hill and the grounds of his country pile are concerned!
It worked, it worked BIG time ……. Hugh was soon effervescing like a shaken up bottle of Don Perignon 1993, his vintage champagne of choice!

Almost immediately he was picturing how a potential flock of life size, sculpted iron giraffes might fit “within” the pristinely manicured gardens of his Notting Hill mansion, and whether adding an odd one or two equally life size rhinos might look just a tad too ostentatious even for his showbiz neighbours, and might therefore be perhaps better suited to the wilds of the open Worcester side instead.

And though it was still a little early, even for us, to be thinking “Christmas”, we did venture into the garden centre’s Festive Department, where Hugh almost went into complete melt down, even going as far as almost picking up his mobile to phone Kelly H, his “seasonal” interior home dresser, to discuss the possibility of having a complete wall of life size snowmen in his festive lounge ……

…….. and perhaps “ménage” of felted reindeer heads lining his Minstrel Gallery. This was definitely a good call, at last ……. we were seeing the old Hugh return to his wonderfully splendid over the top self!
……. With Darrell egging him on, encouraging him to consider the potential purchase of the centres tallest Christmas tree, which was politely rejected by Hugh, as not being “quite” zee tall enough, no?

However, a full scale, automated model of a Christmas Village complete with lights and sound effects in
zee library was a completely different proposition, no?!
A touch exhausted by ‘aving zee old Hugh back, Darrell suggested regrouping for little light refreshment …….
…… perhaps, with all these new ideas zinging through his head, a revived Hugh might soon feel ready to leave us (not that we want him to go, you understand) ……. ready to face the hectic festive, showbiz party circuit and pantomime season ahead, who knows ???????????
The old Hugh is back.
Sounds like you might be losing your house guest soon??!!
Fantastic to see Hugh in full pursuit of life and!..... relief for one and all to have Hugh "emoting" (in true Hugh form) his ideas! .....Hugh does bring sparkle and good fun wherever he goes...not sure about the rhinos in the lovely English countryside....... Dianne
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