Wednesday 27 May 2020

Living La Vida Lockdown – Day 65 - Aggggh

We’ve been watching quite a lot of YouTube during our incarceration the meltdown ………
Super Excited
…….. but there’s one thing that has me instantly reaching for the zapper …….
Aghh Super Excited
….. and that’s vloggers, who within two seconds of them starting their video tell us they are “super excited” to tell us or show us something …… and then keep on repeating it, aghhhhhhhhh.
Super super excited
NO!!!!  Just no!!! 


Mr.D said...

Fortunately, I have never seen a vlogger. (A very silly word, too.)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.....can't say I've come across a lot of vloggers. Heard of them, maybe I do watch them and I am now aware that is what they are called! JantheFan x