Monday, 29 September 2014

Last Night ……

DSC00830Last night we took our last, long lingering walk into town for our “last night”.
We tried to keep it up beat and embrace each ebbing moment, but there was sadness in our hearts ……
……. Greece has been more than we ever hope AND more …… not a day has gone by without us thanking Darrell and saying the boy done good!
I went to take a last, long, lingering look at the two Greek Houses I had set my heart on and would be torn between if buying a holiday home, dependant naturally if I won the lottery ….
…… pondering on how wonderful it would be to have a house with a long shady drive, with a shady branched arch and fragrant, exotic blossoms, which all together looked so casually romantic, even with a ladder left lying there!
While Nigel and Darrell played a game of giant chess ‘neath equally romantic pine trees  ……
…… which they played like draughts, because they can’t actually play chess, what are they like?
And as predicted, there were drippy, snotty tears when we had our last coffee with Achim in his bar ….. he offered us a complimentary ouzo, but we knew, if we did, it would just get toooooooo emotional!
Our last port of call was to the supermarket for some choice Greek confectionary to take back for the ladies at work in the offices and the kitchen ……
…… and so to bed ……..
Much as we really want to see Castle Greysquirrel again …………………
……. why is the last day of a holiday…………..
……. soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ……
……… sooooooooooooooo ……
………. sad?


Mr.D said...

At least being sad means it was a superb holiday.
You will have lots of wonderful memories and photos too.

Anonymous said...

Romantic Greece has given you the beauty of it's blue blue skies and blue blue seas, the friendliness that makes for pleasant times,the most delicious of food, much that is unforgettable, and will most certainly be waiting for your return.....that lovely white house is going on my "to buy with lottery winnings" list!.....may those last moments be extra special .......Dianne

PS I will happily share that white house

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm all emotional here boyz.....there is always next year! JantheFan x