Friday 20 December 2019

Santa's Mutant Ninja Reindeer

Now, we all know how much Nigel loves and appreciates a good shop window display especially at this time of the year ......
....... but I think he may a lingered just a little too long outside Derek's Hair Studios.......
......... giving him too much time to ponder its "full" composition. 
It seems that his attention has been drawn to the rather concerned expression on Santa's face as he gazes up at what must his lead reindeer......
..... who appears to have mutated to such an extent that he now dwarfs over Santa quite alarmingly.
This Nigel has reasoned is probably due to the vast amount of carrots said reindeer has consumed over many years, certainly a very useful attribute for any reindeer charged with pulling a present laden sleigh all around the world on Christmas Eve, but also a daunting prospect to control and rein in for such a diminutive Santa, hence the worried looked on his face! 
Nigel has a wonderful imagination .......... and I have to say that once he pointed it out to me, I can see exactly what he means and now it brings a smile to my face every time I pass it ........... 
........ and it shall henceforth and ever more be fondly remembered as Nigel's mutant Ninja reindeer window ....... what is he like?


Mr.D said...

Well reasoned, Nigel.

This reminds me of one of the amusing parts of the Nativity scenes, here in Mexico. You get things like a one inch high camel next to a one foot chicken.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, it could mean that because the reindeer is SO big, powerful and strong that Santa's drop could take less time than normal so he could be back with Mrs Claus quicker than the blink of an eye. Which means I better be in bed very early on Christmas Eve!!! JantheFan x