Tuesday 17 December 2019

When Things Go Bump In The Night.

Last night I was woken up by a loud crash in the middle of the night, which sounded as if it came from the lounge.
I went into Darrell and Nigel's room and found him wide awake and wide eyed as he had heard "something" loud too. 
We decided that we really ought to explore, but left Nigel undisturbed as he was dead to the world, although it's a wonder his snoring hadn't woken us up in the first place.
Tentatively we went into said lounge and found that one of Darrell's carefully positioned, festive, terracotta birds of a comic persuasion had fallen from it's perch on the shelf and smashed onto the floor .......
....... which was very disconcerting as there seemed to be no logical reason for it to fall!
It was too late in the night/early in the morning to discuss in any great detail what could possibly be occurring in the lounge, we just hoped that it wasn't of any spooky Christmas Carol type nature, the last thing we need at this time of the year is to have to call in Yvette Fielding and the Most Haunted team to investigate The Towers only to discover it's an open portal for all manner of physic phenomenon.
We and our, by then, over stimulated imaginations then returned to our respected beds, deciding not to say ANYTHING to Nigel in the morning for fear that any excitement he may unknowingly exude could be feed upon and used for nefarious purposes by any malevolent entities that could be lurking.  I don't think either of us slept that much for the rest of the night, what are we like? 


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...JantheFan x p.s. I've got my scream face on as I type!

Mr.D said...

I wonder what happened. Did Nigel not notice a terracotta bird was missing?