Monday 29 June 2020

Living La Vida Lockdown –Day 99 - Nigel On Mission Marmite.

We are all taking tentative steps to integrate into the new Evesham normal as lockdown measures are being gradually lifted, while still rigidly observing all rules of  a hand washing, sanitizing and social distance type nature ……….

Lynx Marmite Edition

Nigel, needless to say is leading the way, but there again he is a monkey on a mission, he is desperate to find some Lynx Africa and Marmite special edition body spray and/or shower gel, like what we have seen on the Marmite Lovers Facebook page.


I am pretty much convinced this is a (cruel) hoax, to make up for the April Fools Day we didn’t have this year due to meltdown ……..


…….. however, young Nigel is ever hopeful. He has set his heart on being the one who returns home to a heroes welcome, triumphantly holding either or both said products aloft.


Rumour has it that both are now available in Sainsburys …….. our showering experience may never be the same! Let’s just say Nigel intends to leave no stone unturned!


Mr.D said...

Good luck, Nigel!

A jar of your traditional Marmite spread, would be just the ticket, for me.

My degree is in Chemistry, and I taught it for many years.

Marmite was discovered by accident, by the "father of organic chemistry," Justus von Liebig, who was one of the greatest chemistry teachers of all time. He also invented the Liebig condenser, which are found in labs, to this day.

I bet he didn't have any squeaky pop, however!

CraftyCoffey said...

Oh dear-poor Nigel. I’m thinking the new Marmite items might well be an April Fools prank-just hope he’s not too disappointed.


Anonymous said...

Keep looking young nige. JantheFan x
p.s. interesting pic Mr D.