Tuesday 30 June 2020

Living La Vida Lockdown– Day 100 - An Announcement

I am afraid that living in meltdown has now become a little too confusing for us, to be honest, we are not even sure we are even “living it” any more ………


…… so, for that reason, today, we are officially declaring, on what would is our 100th day of “Living La Vida Lockdown”, that after some debate, (none heated), we’ve decided to move on to Living La Vida’lerta


However, although many places are now reopening around us, the presence of Covid19 has by no means, gone away, so it’s still very much facial masks at dawn, and a liberal dowsing of sanitiser before entering or leaving any shop, whenever any of us venture into town……Greek Supermarket. Marmite_thumb[3] (1)

……. and Darrell, being a naturally tactile sort of person has had to learn to curb said tendencies. There must to be no picking things up in the aisle, willy nilly, to mull over to contemplate a considered purchase, everything his touches MUST go in the basket.  So, lets just say, shopping (when we’re not doing it online) now takes considerably less time without all his ditherings!


Mr.D said...

If you touch it, you have to buy it? Careful. Nigel may decide to touch loads of things that he fancies, regardless of the price.

Anonymous said...

..it's all just a little bit different and strange but we just have to get used to it - difficult if one is a touchy feely type of monkey. JantheFan. x
p.s. I have an appointment with a hairdresser next week - whoopee doo!!!