Auntie Jan came yesterday afternoon and put up the paper chains that she had made for us as her “festive make” (this is a family tradition which will be revealed in my New Years Eve’s post). She had punched holly leaves and berries in every single link!!! – our dining room looks gorgeous!
I love Christmas Eve, sometimes it’s more exciting than Christmas Day. At six o’clock I will be going to the Christingle Service at Church. I love singing carols, my favourite is Come All Ye Faithful, I always belt it out!
When I get back from church, I will light all the nightlights in the lanterns I have hung in one of the trees in the back garden, to remember all the people who aren’t with us anymore at Christmas like Granny Shelia.
It doesn’t look much in the daylight, but it will look beautiful when it’s dark, and I will gaze a while and remember ….
At Midnight, I will be going to Midnight Mass. The church is only over the road. I love the way everything is very still and hushed at that time of night, with only the old church bell clanging.
The Motor World Shop in the village has put this lovely knitted Nativity in its window and Chris in the knitting/come gift shop, always takes the bits out of the window and puts a crib and star there instead.

Silent Night ………