Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Nigel Takes Things Literally!

Cook had to send one of the other cook ladies to look for Nigel the other day as he seemed to have been an  awful long time taking just a few extra sauce sachets to the Sixth Form sandwich trolley after they had unexpectedly run out.
Watch This Space...It seems that a new display had been put on a board in the main corridor……  and that is where Nigel was eventually found, doing exactly as it said and in doing so becoming completely and utterly mesmerised by it in the process ……
Watch this space.It took Cook a large mug of steaming tea with three sugars and a Mars Bar to bring him round!  What is he like?


Anonymous said...

Cook could capture my attention with a Mars bar....and steaming tea would be a nice compliment ......poor Nigel; those eyes do mesmerize and I'm sure he couldn't easily escape their hold.......Dianne

Mr.D said...

Just an excuse to get a large mug of steaming tea with three sugars and a Mars Bar? Plus some free time.
Naughty Nigel.
No - I don't believe he was being sneaky at all.