This morning it was my turn to hand in my notice to Sarah our boss. After Darrell spoke to her yesterday, I don’t think my appearance was a particular surprise and I think she was sort of expecting me …….

……. as I happened to notice a new box of tissues had appeared on her desk, probably because Darrell had decimated the contents of her last one. But I was my usual stoic self and said, when offered, that I didn’t think I needed one, so Sarah used it instead!

We chatted a while about our Evesham plans, shook hands ….. and then it was back to business as usual, which I thought was very mature of us, especially as no cake (or biscuits) were involved either.

I did however take a longish, whimsical look through at my Prospect Coaches 2015 calendar, and though a little sad ……

I don’t think I am too heartbroken at the prospect of not having to book another bus again ……!!!

I think Nigel is planning his private moment with Cook Lady tomorrow and I know I will need to gird my
lions loins for the aftermath, as I think I can predict that it
will be emotional. I just hope Nigel has timed it for
after he’s sorted out his sauce rotation, and not before, because I can foresee, in a Derek Acorah type way, that it will be a non-condimented lunch sitting if it isn’t!!!
A very mature meeting. I suspect the news will have gotten round school before Nigel darkens Cook Lady's door.
There will be tearful girls and staff before long.
Your gentlemanly composure is enviable in such a very possibly emotionally charged occasion ...Poor Sarah, two resignation interviews from highly regarded staff members in two days....... hopefully knowing your wonderful future plans will soften the blow for her ....Dianne
well done there are bus that need catching not booking for others go forth big love marc
Oh boyz you do get me so emosh! JantheFan x
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