Our final day at work coincided with “Muck Up Day” ……..

……… a day of great and robust tradition when the Year 13 students run amok ……..

………… causing mayhem to a theme, before they leave to do their A Levels and then move on to their chosen universities…….. and this years said theme for mayhem was Zombies!

Let’s just say, that on such a day you take your life in your hands, just going down the corridors …….

……. but Darrell and Nigel risked it, wanting to embrace the day, even at the risk of great harm being done to their bodies and things!!!

Nigel was a little worried that the dining room had been taken over by zombies and several other entities of an unearthly type nature ……

……. and was obviously very concerned for The Cook Lady’s safety …….

……. and the fact that his normal and organised sauce rotation had been replaced by all manner of noxious substances and body parts!!!!

However The Cook Lady was safe ….. and glad that she had found Nigel amongst at the chaos ……. as she had something special for him, she had made him some of his very most favourite kitchen fudge and toffee as a leaving gift ……….

and she wanted to give him one last cuddle ……. before the parting of the ways …….

Not a lot was said between them, it was too raw and emotional … but sometimes you don’t need words to say how you feel.
It was then on to the hall for a final Leavers Assembly …… which Nigel also embraced (without any sign of any erm ….. wind)
There is still a little more to tell, however it’s been a looooooooooooooooooooooong week …….. but, as we all walked down the road together, away from the school for the last time Darrell spotted a white feather ………

……… and we all knew (again, without saying a word) ……….. that someone is watching over us very carefully, as we continue on to the next stage of life’s great adventure!!!!
Goodness-what a leaving day. Special assembly, gifts off Cook Lady & finding a feather-wonder what that can mean?!
Oh goodness this has been quite a journey with you all - I'm so pleased I have been able to ride on board. Sniff, sniff - pass the hankies........JantheFan x
well done gang you are on your way the feather says it all love the make up the girls were wearing is it a Wolverhampton thing big love marc
Wow! they really do get into Muck Up Day .....great creative make up! ......always hard to take steps forward and leave the familiar behind but I know many wonderful times are ahead .... much to be proud of for each of you.....your friendships from the past will be with you and Baby Iris awaits on the path ahead....Love, Dianne
What a wonderful finish.
Andy is also in your thoughts.
What would he made of it all?
Now off to LL, TtS and baby I in Evesham.
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