Wednesday 4 April 2018

Nigel ……. A Person Of Interest?

Nigel says that he is really getting into American breakfast TV while he is getting ready to go out in the morning ……….
…….and as the ABC Studio from where Good Morning America is recorded is only round the corner in Times Square, it would be rude of him not to linger around the studio window now and again, looking sensible and intelligent, as opposed to waving inanely and holding up a piece of paper that says “Hello Mum” (even though he doesn’t think he has one) to get himself noticed!
But, he knows that he needs to be out and about an awful lot earlier in the morning for his face to be seen looking through said window and to be asked for any insightful nugget he might have on any news the news items etc. as a “Britisher” abroad, if they decide to do an outside broadcast.IMG_6930
However, he is a little suspious that his presence in New York may have already been picked up, for whatever reason and that he may be being followed ……..
……. by a “man in black” trying to look inconspicuous, despite Nigel having already clocked him!  Oh good lord, what is he like? 


Mr.D said...

I'm sure Nigel would come out with an apposite and pithy phrase if he were asked. They would love him and would ask him back to be a star of the show.

Dianne said...

NYC does have that international flair with most certainly Interpol in town in black here and there......Love, Dianne