Friday, 31 December 2010

A Touch of the Indiana Jones’s?

Monkey Egg Cups
We have much to do today, as we have a party to prepare for  ............ so what better way to start the last day of 2010 than with a hearty breakfast of  boiled eggs, served in the monkey egg cups and eaten with monkey spoons Auntie Jan gave us for Christmas……  How BRILLIANT are they? 
Breakfast Egg
Darrell made me feel a little queasy when he said “Sitting here like this reminds me of a scene from an Indiana Jones film” …………. what is he like? 


Mr. D said...

The monkey egg cups look like bald monkeys. Did you use your new egg cosies?

Darrell said...

hello Mr D .... a little chick on top of the monkeys head would look so funny .....