I think Nigel’s fascination for all things of a building site type nature may have gone a little too far …. and could now be regarded as bordering on the obsessional!

Fortunately, I was with him when he spotted a pair of abandoned work gloves on the way to work …. one of my looks and a robustly stern “No”, was enough to prevent him from picking them up and squirrelling them way ….
However, I had noticed that over the past few days he had been skulking, quite furtively, at the bottom of the garden …. and disappearing for hours in the shed ……

….. call it instinct, but I had a strange Derek Acorah feeling that he was up to
something ……

….. I am not proud of it, but I decided that I ought to follow and sneak up on him …. and see what held so much fascination for him in the shed, as I was sure it wasn’t plant pots and compost ……

…… Poor Nigel, when he saw me, he nearly jumped out of his skin ….. and his guilty little face said it all …

….. because, goodness knows where he had got them from or how he’d snook them past Darrell and I without rousing our suspicions, …. but not only had he procured a “no smoking” sign ……

…… but also an old road lamp ………….. Oh Nigel, …. what are we going to do with him ….. I fear a midnight knock on the door any day now, with Castle Greysquirrel being torn apart brick by brick by the Roadwork's Police trying to recover other similar stolen paraphernalia!!!!