Monday, 14 April 2014

Availing Ourselves (Or Not) Of The Pleasures Of Evesham

While we were visiting Tom and The Lovely Laura we decided to avail ourselves of the pleasures of Evesham ….. however, as it was a dull, wet Sunday ….. much of Evesham was closed ……
                                    Flavours<br />                <br />                …… in particular Flavours, Tom’s Evesham Ice Cream Parlour of choice, at which he had promised us that we could fill our boots …..  it was his “shout”
255722_155388921194947_6572596_n (1)…… so sadly that pleasure must remain for another day, but with Darrell robustly determined to try the asparagus flavour when that day comes!!
However, despite the seasonal murkiness and drizzle we still managed to take a few of snapshots especially for our dear friend Dianne who lives in far away and very warm Florida ………
…… as we know she very much appreciates the odd picture of Darrell and Nigel standing outside romantic and historic English buildings, while on our travels.
And then Nigel spotted something in a charity shop window that he thought would make a classy and thus very apt addition to Tom and The Lovely Laura’s, at present, sparse back garden …….
…… to wit a very large, wizardy looking gnome!!  It was a good job the aforementioned charity shop was also closed because Tom seemed rather impressed unlike The Lovely Laura who dragged Tom away rather rapidly and ceremoniously  ……
Oh dear, Nigel has a lot to learn about women and taste!!!!!


Mr.D said...

Evesham looks very nice. I'm sure TtS and LL will enjoy living there.

Anonymous said...

Love the Darrell and Nigel portraits showcasing England's ever so romantic historic scenes! do give us wonderful travel views and look like seasoned travelers who are at home anywhere!.....Evesham is obviously going to be THE place with endless possibilities for new adventures.....I know Flavours will be a favourite; not too sure about the asparagus, but that would be a veg......I tend to stick to chocolate, or any chocolate mix, and the more common like butter pecan......looks like a lovely happy visit to Evesham enjoyed by one and all!....Dianne