Last night, the night
before Halloween, to thoughtfully accommodate our guests busy schedules Darrell and I decided to host a bit of a Halloween “do”!
We invited a few carefully selected list of guests, known for their considered bon viveur-acity for a “sophisticated” Come Dine With Me meets Hello Magazine type evening ….. but we didn’t tell Nigel what was occurring until he got home …..

…… so when he saw the door mat ….. his little face was a picture!

Everything looked soooooo seasonally festive and romantic …… Darrell had done us proud raiding the Poundshops of Wolverhampton, Kristy Allsop or Martha Stewart could not have done a better job!

As Nigel looked round his eyes just got bigger and bigger ….

…… and before we had even started ……
……he declared that it “Twas the bestest Night Before Halloween Night ever, ever, ever!”

…… I will admit it all got a touch emotional ……

….. which also felt a little strange when dressed as two pumpkins and a skeleton, but then …….. we had honoured guests to welcome ……

…… while Nigel
bagsed his seat at the table!

The food was truly phenomenal, kindly cooked by one of our guests, Mr C with an Asian twist …..

…… which was well off the scale on our spicy Halloween Richter Scale of noms!
And then, after afters pudding desert dessert ……. someone got out the glow sticks …….

Oh Mon Dieu ….. Nigel who was already beside himself with joyous excitement, was catapulted to another level of “beside himself”, saying that they were the most wondrously spooky things he had ever seen in his life ……
……. and while the adults sat round the table enjoying amusing Halloween banter and gossip of the day ….. Nigel went off in the dark to glow ……
It was a very, very happy night for everyone, but especially Nigel …..

…. who insisted on going to bed ….. though robustly fatigued ….. surrounded not only by his own glow sticks but also by the ones our guests had left behind …..

…… sweet dreams Nigel!