You may be wondering what Darrell was so desperate and secretive about getting when he was in Birmingham last weekend, even I was kept in the dark, but yesterday Nigel and I found out, and I warn you now, it was emotional!

Darrell had been very concerned about just how much Nigel was pining for his knitted nativity, especially when Lucy told us that despite notices on Facebook saying that Motorworld was trying to re-open in a couple of weeks, it was still boarded up when she went past last week. At this news Nigel went very quiet indeed and only had two hob nobs instead of his usual four with his evening hot chocolate that night.

There are some very beautiful shop windows in Evesham, but they are a little too far away for Nigel to pop round and gaze at every night like he did in our old village.

And so, Darrell hatched a plan ……. and yesterday afternoon Nigel and I were banned from his and Darrell’s bedroom until we were called. It was a long and anxious wait, with much banging and out of tune singing of festive songs coming from the room.

But finally, Nigel and I were called in, and let’s just say all the angst and listening to Darrell trying to sing Last Christmas and All I Want For Christmas Is You over and over again was sooooooooo worth it. What he had done was truly beautiful. There was a little Christmas tree, festooned in multi-coloured stars and silver ball strings on the side.

There were lovely festive tranklements on the window sill ……..

…… and glittery snowflakes cascading from the already sparkly chandelier. Nigel couldn't say a word.

Darrell had thought of everything, even down to chain on the window blind.

And, over the bed was a garland of silver snowflakes, red baubles and fairy lights, it was almost too much for poor Nigel, it was the most wonderful Christmas bedroom he had ever seen, and it was his!

But then came the awe and wonder moment as Darrell led Nigel to the chest of drawers on top of which he had created a special Christmas “window“ just for Nigel.

He had secretly painted the old wooden lantern we used to have in our fireplace back at The Castle. white and then put a tableaux inside it with Santa carrying a lantern, walking through the snow with white Christmas trees in the background, and he had lit it all up with fairy lights.

It was finding “just” the right Santa to fit, and fir trees of a perfect size that had caused him so much angst in Birmingham.

At that point I decided, although I too wanted to gaze some more, to leave Darrell and Nigel alone to share the moment together ……

……. and then about five minutes later Darrell joined me. Nigel was a little overwhelmed and needed a bit of time to himself. Darrell had pulled all the stops out to create some very special Christmas magic for Nigel, it was indeed …….
How wonderful!
Well done Darrell.
Oh my goodness-Darrell is soo thoughtful. What a wonderful thing to do for Nigel, hopefully this will distract him from worrying about the knitted nativity.
This lovely gesture is magical indeed! Nigel will be able to enjoy all of those beautiful details to his heart's much to see with sparkly Christmas magic at every wishes to all, Dianne
What a wonderful bond the 3 monkeys have - such a beautiful thing to do for young Nigel.
Oh my - tears all round here - a magical scene. Hope Nigel is now back on his full quota of Hobb Knobbly bisquits...and then some. JantheFan x
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