OMG …. OMG ….. OMG ….on Tuesday night Vinnie was only allowed into the Olympic Stadium to see the FINAL dress rehearsal for the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games!…. He said that he and Auntie Jan took a copious amount of photographs BUT obviously, as they have both had to sign the official secrets act in their own blood, they cannot divulge a sausage to us …… suffice to say they both got very emotional ….. and were so very proud to be British and part of it all ….. they also added that a sensory overload is heading our way …..!!! OMG!!!

Meanwhile, a diligent Games Maker’s work must still go on …… and Vinnie has been busy doing a couple of shifts on the Sports Info Desk at the Aquatics Centre. He said that yesterday had been particularly hectic. Just look at all these pigeon holes that he has to fill constantly with information and results, now that’s what we call rush Olympic photocopying on a mahoosive scale!

The Swimming starts on Saturday. Vinnie is on the first shift and will be in the thick of it …. so he has been making his robust final checks, making sure no one has left their flip flops on the side of the pool and that any bricks that some of the swimmers have been trying to pick up from the bottom of the deep end have all been recovered. He says everything looks sooooooo blue, it’s like an indoors Mediterranean!

He has also given us a “Blog Scoop” that we don’t even think the papers or TV people have cottoned onto yet …… like Wimbledon, The Aquatics Centre has its very own hawk to keep any infiltrating and rouge pigeons from inhabiting the vast structure and more importantly stopping them from pooping in the water or dive bombing swimmers.

Vinnie was allowed to get up close and personal and inspect the hawk’s jesses. It’s all too romantic and Olymptastical for us to take in.

It’s going to be hard for any of us to concentrate on anything today, because all we can think of is the opening ceremony and looking for Vinnie and Auntie Jan ……. Oooooooooooooooo oooooooo ooooooo!!
I'm SOOOOOO excitied! Just loving all this insider goss.
JantheFan x
p.s. Can you ask Vinnie - who puts the blue colouring in the pool water?
Snigger, and if the water turns green if anyone adds some yellow liquid. Ooops, sorry, off to wash my mouth out here :) xx
This amazing Living the Dream just gets better and more fascinating every day.....Vinnie is definitely the picture of an Olympic Volunteer Extraordinaire....his volunteer experience is truly a plus to this Olympic event. He must be making quite an impression on all who see him working so diligently. Especially any Olympic officials who might happen along....much love..Dianne
We want Vinnie to light the torch or at least be a big part of the Opening Ceremony..
Jen n Clint x
So excited to see more exclusive pictures of goings on of an Olympic type nature over the coming days. it's all very romantic. Well done Vinnie, you'll do us proud!
According to a tour I did many years ago, the Molineux also has a bird of prey to stop any unfortunate droppings. Oops, or is that poops?
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