As a treat Hugh took us all to his “local” where they don’t have a clue who he is or even really care. There is a magician who lives up the road in a converted church, who is the village celebrity and as Hugh says, one swarovski encrusted shoulder pad and a magic wand is enough for any village, especially in Worcester!

Anyway, the Vimto and crisps of our choice were on Hugh, but Darrell couldn’t help taking a look at the menu board ……..

…….. he could have been tempted perhaps to the haddock fillet but pigeon and pork meatballs, he mused, perhaps not. We might be living in Evesham now, but we will never forget our Wolverhampton roots, and memories of feeding the pigeons outside St Peters Church by the fountain …………. well, it just wouldn’t seem right to eat one, especially in spherical form!

But when the landlord asked Hugh if he and his obviously descerning friends, judging by their accents, might fancy partaking in his new sharing platter, poor Hugh, a committed vegetarian with strong vegan leanings went very politely pale!

And, though I admit, we like to try to be adventurous in our food choice when in foreign climes, this sharing platter was a platter too far, even for us ………

……. with it’s paneed testicles, sous vide style heart and kidney croquettes, we were half expecting Ant and Dec to pop out from behind the spider plants and announce we’d been selected for the Village Bush Tucker Trial. Thankfully Hugh declined on all our behalfs, saying that we had a quiche waiting for us at home, so a bottle of their finest Chateau Vimto Neuf Du Pap with straws, served with a salt and vinegar and cheese and onion bagged accompaniment would be just fine ……. but thank you for asking!
WHOA!....that Sharing Platter certainly has bits I would consider an acquired taste and not for just anyone .....thankfully Hugh has the social skill to decline with great charm.....never a dull moment when you are with Hugh!....Love to all, Dianne
Oh my goodness - does the landlord live in a cave, wear animal skin and has a long scraggly beard????? JantheFan x
What? Pig's head?
The sour dough sounds good.
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