The Eurovision Song Contest, our Televisual Highlight of the Year is all but 5 days away, but we won’t all be together to share This Night of Nights this year as we had originally planned as we all received some tempting offers, and we all gave each other the space to do exactly what we wanted without any emotional pressure ………

So, Darrell is going to spend the weekend in London with Hugh, his best friend and mentor who lives the showbiz life and flaunts the style in Notting Hill. Darrell is very much looking forward to seeing Hugh, although they FaceTime, all the time, none of us have actually seen Hugh since before Christmas, and that’s far too long. Hugh is planning on battening down the heavy, antique velvet curtains, there will be no requesting of insightful sound bites, no calls from his agent, and definitely no papping! He has arranged cocktails and canapés to be served by his man that does to anyone waiting outside his gated portals, with an impassioned plea for privacy for this one night ……. even for Hugh, everything stops for Eurovision. Darrell said he might tweet a little during the evening, but
not if it disturbs Hugh.

And Nigel and I? Well, we are off on a Sun £9.50 holiday tomorrow morning to Exmouth, we’ve been fully packed for at least two weeks now. It’s also been far toooooooooooooooooooo long, we used to live for collecting our Sun Tokens! Lucy organised it a while back and asked if we would like to go along. We just asked if she would mind if we forwent the Bingo and cabaret on Saturday evening so that we could firmly ensconce ourselves on the convertible sofa bed to see how The Ukraine interpret and present all that is Eurovision, and then pray that Sweden win again, because no one does Eurovision like Les Swedes. In fact we think Sweden should be given it permanently to host, no matter which country wins.
So that's us all sorted ……. Happy Days!
Швеція дванадцять очок This means "Sweden twelve points" in Ukrainian.
Інки Пінкі ви говорите This means "Inky pinky parlez vous!"
I hope Blogger can cope with the Cyrillic script.
I'm sure you Mum and Darrell will have a wonderful time with Marc and Hugh and that Monkey and Nigel will have an excellent time with Lucy.
Ooh-so much fun planned. I'm looking forward to hearing all about everyone's adventures.
A visit with good friend Hugh is certainly overdue; I know it will be another memorable London visit!.....feels like old times with a Sun holiday....don't think there could be a more perfect way to start the festive soon to be summer days!.....Wishing you wonderful times with these great plans, dianne
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