Nigel’s role so far this holiday has been chief
sandwich sandcastle maker, however, today Iris changed tack in her requests and wanted to be a mermaid on the beach …….

…… decorated with seashells and stones.

Naturally Nigel has taken this request very much to heart …….

……. and I have to say, his efforts became more and more realistic as day went on, in fact I sort of half expected to see Iris’s tail to give a little mermaidy flip now and then.

Nigel did manage to get the odd five minutes rest here and there when I offered to take over for a while, but young Iris is a very discerning young lady, and she was soon demanding that Uncle Nigel return, because “Uncle Monkey is rubbish at mermaid tails!” What is she like?
Oh Nige what fun, to be called on by a young Mermaid, whether her tail flipped or flopped. JantheFan x
What great fun!...Uncle Nigel mermaid creator.....he did a great job and Iris is a very lovely land-loving mermaid!.....beachy days are the best......Love, Dianne
A mermaid tail is one way to get Iris to sit still and relax for a while.
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