Sunday, 9 March 2014

Darrell Does Mexican

Hugh suggested that if Darrell fancied a Mexican while he was out and about in London, his best bet would be the Margarita Loca in Battersea.
Margarita LocaHugh apologised profusely because he wouldn’t be able to take Darrell there himself, as he had been booked for the rest of the week to be on the panel to find the next new Loose Woman, something he just couldn’t get out of ……. darling!!!!!!
Mexican Hat Batterseabattersea Mexican meal
To be honest Hugh’s absence didn’t really daunt Darrell, although it could be quite advantageous to have a celebrity friend who could “open doors”, Darrell also found it refreshing to go out and about in London without Hugh and his enormous entourage!!!
mexican HatDarrell liked Margarita Loca immediately, there were hats on the table, that broke the ice, the decor was eclectically Mexican and the music was traditional and vibrant ……
mexican mea lbattersea……. and so, in a chilled mood of a Mexican type nature, Darrell decided to live a little and order a cocktail ……..
Cocktail……. which went down very easily ……. and relaxed Darrell even further, leading him to order another one, because he reasoned, it would be rude not too ……
mexican CocktailsHowever, when he was half way through this said second cocktail Darrell thought it best  to order some food …… as he was two bus rides, six stops on the tube and a short walk away from Hugh’s flat, and he was beginning to feel a little erm ….. woozy and not a little little devil may care ……
BatterseaSo, when the waitress came over to take his order, he pointed to something on the menu that he couldn’t pronounce without spitting and hoped for the best …….
mexican…. and when, whatever it was arrived, it was very acceptable, in fact it beat Darrell’s almost unfillable stomach AND took the edge off his wooziness, thank goodness, ……….. and the two bus rides, six stops on the  tube and the short walk back to Hugh’s flat were successfully negotiated!!!!!!! What is he like????


Mr.D said...

So Darrell and Mrs. G. What was it that you ate?
It doesn't look like mole. Milanesa? (A bit like breaded chicken.)
I hope it tasted great.

Anonymous said...

It would have been great had Darrell had the opportunity to consult with Mr. D for his personal recommendations.....but it does appear Darrell managed quite well by himself! Darrell does take London life in his stride...Hugh's schedule is quite spectacular!......Dianne

Anonymous said...

Enjoying this walk through the Streets of London with a wonderful guide and raconteur. JantheFan x

marc said...

o i think it may have been a little more than the two cocktails i think our boy around town forgot to mention the jug of frozen margaritas and the pinacolada which he partook of instead of a desert and his walk may have been more of a Mexican samba but all was seen and done in such a fun way he was a joy to watch big love marc