No……. you’re not seeing things …… Nigel
has got a bike!!!!

In another spooky development, after hearing Nigel wittering on about how Derek Acorah can’t drive for two years and the number of bicycle signs on the road to work, what did Darrell spot in our local charity shop, but a Nigel sized bike ……. “Well” he said “It would have been rude
not to purchase it, even though it was very pink colour!”

When I saw it, I have to admit my heart sank ……

……. as there is no way I want Nigel riding a bike all the way to work, along some of the busiest roads in Wolverhampton

So it was with a gladdened heart muchley when I noticed that the little fella’s feet don’t actually reach the pedals properly ……

….. and until they do, it will be a long while before Nigel can take to the road, and the bike will be for garden use only ……… phew!!!
Don't mention lowering the seat or putting blocks on the pedals....
You never forget your first bike - Bagpuss looks as if he were made for it! Little Nige looks so happy. JantheFan x
Despite the concerns, this is quite a coincidence...was it meant to be?.....was it a beckoning that was Nigel's destiny? least that bright pink is a high visibility safety help!.....spooky, spooky.....Dianne
I was thinking blocks to mr d when i was youngwe would tie tin cans to our feet to reach the peddles he dont need to sit on the seat he can stand up and pedal( no danger no cross bar if you get my drift ) and it means bagpuss can go with him big love marc
Great minds think alike, Marc. (I won't even consider fools never differ....)
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