Saturday, 6 July 2013

Chester Zoo …. Finally Drawn To A Sleepy Conclusion

When Nigel was in the Ape House he spent quite some considerable time looking in their food preparation room.
monkey food chester zooWe thought we maintained a robust and vigorous 5 a day regime …. but the monkeys at Chester Zoo made us bow our heads in shame.
lunchtime at chester zooHow can you compare our ill considered lunch time repast of a shared Ploughman's bap, posh (and expensive) cheese and onion crisps and and latte (sans sucre) …..
five a day regime…… to three overflowing washing up bowls overflowing of all manner of comestible fruit …… plus a little on the side for afters …… we need to rethink our a aforementioned robust and vigorous regime me thinks, and get back on the wagon!
083I don’t seem to have many shots of Nigel and me with the animals on this visit …. but the capybaras were said hello too …..giraffe …. as well as the giraffes.
knackeredI am happy, neigh relieved,  to say that our services of a sick bucket or first aid triangular bandage type nature were not required on the way back, which was most fortuitous as Nigel was out for the count as soon as we alighted the coach!  Happy days!!

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

Five a day? More like fifty a day.
Nigel got off to sleep almost fast as Mexicans. The majority of Mexicans are asleep on my bus to work. Mexicans could sleep for erm, England.