Sometimes we get the most AMAZEBALLS e-mails that leave us quivering robustly for the rest of the day….. and yesterday was one of those days ….. because the Lovely Natalie from Republic Media got in touch with us ……it seems our love for the Eurovision Song Contest, our televisual highlight of the year has got us noticed ……
This is what her e-mail said …….
To say we were thrilled to be given a “heads up” is a tiny understatement to which we replied to straight away ….. saying that we would diligently tell everyone about Emin so that all our followers watching the interval in Eurovision will say "OMG that's Monkey, Darrell and Nigel's "new aqauintence of a famous singing nature"!!" (but that’s in the private stuff, which we have deleted from the picture below....... for the moment!)
We have visited Emin’s website …. ………
…… and to be honest it’s hard for us as “metro men” to opinine upon another gentleman’s appearance but a lady “what” we know quite well told us, after visiting Emin’s site, that he is Gorrrrrrrrgeousssssss ….. with a capital G and he sounds pretty hot too ….. and then Darrell is sure she nommed, despite trying to avert his ears!
Now what can we say to that ? …… Once into her stride she also added that if Emin was actually singing in the contest he would get her douze points every time ….. unlike Englebert who she says is now definitely a null point!

Anyway judge for yourself ladies (and gentlemen)
Well, my vote certainly ain't with Mr Buspass either. Now, Emin's a different matter altogether - where do we form the orderly queue? :) Di xx
You are certainly becoming well known - and this time it isn't a hoax.
Have you been getting big showbiz wave advice from Hugh and Marc?
Your fan circle is ever widening! Bringing the possibility of celebrity with it. I know you will always remain kind, caring, thoughtful and humble monkeys no matter where good fortune leads. Who knows?? Next request might include on camera time!! Emin is truly a hunk of the gorgeous male type...Truly impressed...Dianne
well done boys but he just may be a fan of yours i looked at his facebook page and said i had seen him on your blog so who knows his fans might come and look you up i think he is married ladies but you can always look in the toy shop with out having to buy the toy lol big love marc and a showbiz shout out from Hugh
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