He’s been, he’s been …… Nigel woke us up at 4.30 …. and there was no doing with him …… it was Christmas morning, and Nigel was determined to embrace every second of it ….. even if it was still dark!

However, I have to admit that Darrell and I were just as excited …. and so we decided that our present opening fest should ensue.

We each took it in turns to open our presents, so we could all share in each others moment. I went first ….. and yes, to my joy I found my bird feeder
AND some bird food to go with it …… I can’t wait to put it up in the tree, after all the excitement has died down and see what birds visit it first.

Darrell opened his next to reveal that Santa had left him a tiger onsie ……
…… well, he was in it before you could say “de rigueur” and his little face was an absolute picture, he was soooooooo thrilled and I have to say, he did look rather cute!

And then, it was Nigel’s turn, I have to admit to worrying a little robustly as his parcel looked rather small for a cement mixer and I didn’t know how Darrell and I would cope with an inconsolable Nigel on Christmas Day of all days ….
However, Santa had done good, Santa had done very good …….. and had found Nigel a perfect, Nigel sized cement mixer ……. the little fella’s excitement almost reached Neolithic proportions ….. and now I worried how we could calm him down.
There were also a few surprise presents in our stockings, Dianne, our friend in sunny and romantic Florida had sent a huge pile of presents for us ….. for Darrell and I there was a mahoooooooosive box of chocolates ……

….. of which we availed ourselves of immediately, well, it would have been rude not to, however we remained mindful of our impending Christmas luncheon and so did not overindulge profusely.
……. there was also a Christmas badge for each of us that we put on straight away and that we can wear every Christmas from now on, “A thoughtful present” said Darrell “….. that will just keep on giving!”
![Nigel's Christmas present from USA[9]-SNOW (1)[3] Nigel's Christmas present from USA[9]-SNOW (1)[3]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjqxb6-bITvvdVVYo7TbQvBdW8Nup-JukluEYcRS30ZXxwacQv6TdazJ4f42_iP_Qz2eaPIJiUI_NV1YG-BA_3RS-Q_kxOF2hvxNWMy-EdBJeCoreClux5fQADiTo_T5I6QeaVxn6jSzjGw/?imgmax=800)
And finally, there was another parcel from Dianne for Nigel, as he opened it our excitement was both palpable and tangible …… OMD …. when he saw what was inside we thought he was going to self combust …… Dianne had sent him two outfits ……

……. including a puffa jacket, something he had wanted for ages and ages, but aforementioned puffa jackets in a Nigel size are almost impossible to find …… We all felt very blessed to have such a WONDERFUL friend so far away in America …… THANK YOU DIANNE ….. WE LOVE YOU ….. and hope you like the presents we sent you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And ….. there was a present for each of us from The Lovely Laura’s mum, the Equally Lovely Denise, contained in a beautiful sparkly and frilly bag …………

….. our initials in wooden patchwork form. We all felt very, very blessed in a Hello Magazine Christmas Edition type way, we had had so many presents from such special people ……. We hope you have all had as WONDERFUL Christmas morning as we have ….. and at 4.30am in the morning ….. the day is yet young!!!